Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis

  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
  • Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Mini Portable Insulated Nqus Stainless Hlau Mus Ncig Dej Lub raj mis
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Hais txog yam khoom no:

1. Portable Dog Dej Lub raj mis: Tus dev mus ncig lub khob dej lub tais muaj 3 nti Loj Trough. Cov dej tsis siv tuaj yeem rov qab mus rau hauv lub thawv tau yooj yim los ntawm nias tus yuam sij dej
2. Portable & Lightweight: 19oz muaj peev xwm, txaus rau sab nraum zoov taug kev, hiking thiab mus ncig. Compact me me kom paub tseeb tias koj tuaj yeem muab tso rau hauv koj lub hnab yooj yim, lossis nqa nws ntawm koj txhais tes los ntawm txoj hlua txuas yooj yim
3. Ib Tes Ua Haujlwm: Ib qho tseem ceeb Qhib / Xauv dej, Kev ua haujlwm ib leeg, qhib lub xauv qhov tseem ceeb, nias tus yuam sij dej ntim dej, tso tawm kom nres dej
4. Leak-Proof Fuction: Lub tshuab nqus dej dev no yog tsim los nrog silica gel foob nplhaib uas tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov dej ntws tawm tau zoo.
5. Cov Khoom Siv Muaj Kev Nyab Xeeb Thiab Cov Khoom Siv Ua Haujlwm: Lub raj mis dej dev portable ua los ntawm cov khoom noj khoom haus zoo, xyuas kom koj tus tsiaj muaj kev nyab xeeb thaum lawv siv peb lub raj mis dej dev

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Our firm aims to operating faithfully, serving to all of our consumers , and working in new technology and new machine continually for Manufacturer for Mini Portable Insulated Vacuum Stainless Steel Travel Water Bottle, We've been not pleased while using the present achievements but we are sim ua kom zoo tshaj plaws los tsim kho tshiab kom txaus siab rau tus neeg yuav khoom ntau qhov kev xav tau ntawm tus kheej. Txawm hais tias koj yuav los ntawm qhov twg los, peb tau nyob ntawm no tos koj cov lus nug, thiab txais tos tuaj rau peb qhov chaw tsim khoom. Xaiv peb, koj tuaj yeem ntsib koj tus neeg muag khoom ntseeg siab.
Peb lub tuam txhab tsom mus rau kev ua haujlwm ncaj ncees, ua haujlwm rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom, thiab ua haujlwm hauv cov cuab yeej tshiab thiab tshuab tshiab tsis tu ncua rauTuam Tshoj Stainless Hlau Dej Lub raj mis thiab Insulated Nqus Dej Lub raj mis nqe, Lawv yog cov qauv ruaj khov thiab txhawb nqa zoo thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb. Tsis txhob ploj mus ua haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv lub sijhawm ceev, nws yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua rau koj zoo heev. Coj los ntawm lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm Prudence, Efficiency, Union thiab Innovation. lub koom haum. ua ib qho kev siv zog zoo los nthuav nws txoj kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb, tsa nws lub koom haum. rofit thiab nce nws export scale. Peb cia siab tias peb yuav muaj lub zeem muag ci ntsa iab thiab nthuav tawm thoob plaws ntiaj teb nyob rau xyoo tom ntej.


Portable Pet Dej Lub raj mis (1)
Portable Pet Lub raj mis (4)
Portable Pet Lub raj mis (5)

Khoom Dimensions 11 * 3 * 3 nti
Qauv nab npawb PIB 0021
Hom phiaj Aub
Cov lus pom zoo Tag nrho Cov Loj Loj
Khoom siv PP
Muaj nuj nqi Tus tsiaj lub raj mis

Product Description
- Ib qho tseem ceeb tso tawm / kaw dej
- Qhov Tseem Ceeb Xauv Leak Pov Thawj Tsim
-One tes ua haujlwm, yooj yim siv
- Khoom noj khoom haus qib, BPA dawb
- Txhim kho qhov loj me, muaj peev xwm loj
- Muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov, yooj yim dismantling thiab tu
- Tsis muaj khib nyiab. Rov qab cov dej tsis siv rov qab mus rau lub raj mis thiab rov siv dua
- Zam Kev Pom Zoo, qhov dav dav tso cai rau koj tus tsiaj haus dej yooj yim dua
- Yooj yim rau menyuam dev me lossis taug kev hauv zej zog

1. Koj puas tuaj yeem muab cov duab kos duab?
Yog lawm, peb tuaj yeem muab High pixel thiab nthuav dav cov khoom duab thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab dawb.
2. Kuv puas tuaj yeem ua pob khoom thiab ntxiv logo?
Yog lawm, thaum txiav txim kom muaj nuj nqis mus txog 200pcs / SKU. Peb tuaj yeem muab kev cai pob, tag thiab daim ntawv lo nrog tus nqi ntxiv.
3. Koj cov khoom puas muaj cov ntawv xeem?
Yog, Tag nrho cov khoom ua raws li tus txheej txheem thoob ntiaj teb zoo thiab muaj cov ntawv xeem.
4. Koj puas tuaj yeem muab kev pabcuam OEM?
Yog lawm. Peb muaj kev paub ntau yam ntawm kev muab OEM / ODM kev pabcuam.OEM / ODM ib txwm txais tos. Tsuas yog xa peb koj tus qauv tsim lossis cov tswv yim, peb yuav ua kom tiav
5. Peb tuaj yeem lav qhov zoo li cas?
Ib txwm ua qauv ua ntej tsim khoom

Our firm aims to operating faithfully, serving to all of our consumers , and working in new technology and new machine continually for Manufacturer for Mini Portable Insulated Vacuum Stainless Steel Travel Water Bottle, We've been not pleased while using the present achievements but we are sim ua kom zoo tshaj plaws los tsim kho tshiab kom txaus siab rau tus neeg yuav khoom ntau qhov kev xav tau ntawm tus kheej. Txawm hais tias koj yuav los ntawm qhov twg los, peb tau nyob ntawm no tos koj cov lus nug, thiab txais tos tuaj rau peb qhov chaw tsim khoom. Xaiv peb, koj tuaj yeem ntsib koj tus neeg muag khoom ntseeg siab.
Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rauTuam Tshoj Stainless Hlau Dej Lub raj mis thiab Insulated Nqus Dej Lub raj mis nqe, Lawv yog cov qauv ruaj khov thiab txhawb nqa zoo thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb. Tsis txhob ploj mus ua haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv lub sijhawm ceev, nws yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua rau koj zoo heev. Coj los ntawm lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm Prudence, Efficiency, Union thiab Innovation. lub koom haum. ua ib qho kev siv zog zoo los nthuav nws txoj kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb, tsa nws lub koom haum. rofit thiab nce nws export scale. Peb cia siab tias peb yuav muaj lub zeem muag ci ntsa iab thiab nthuav tawm thoob plaws ntiaj teb nyob rau xyoo tom ntej.

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