Can dogs play catnip?
Many cat owners have bought catnip or cat toys containing catnip.
But this plant, which even has a cat in its name, do you know whether dogs can touch it?
The answer tells you that dogs can play catnip, but in practice, it is not as simple as a "can" word.

Catnip contains a terpenoid called wattle lactone, which, when a cat feels it, will produce reactions such as rubbing,tumbling, slapping, biting, licking, jumping, croaking, or secreting saliva, and some cats will whine or meow.
Young kittens and old cats react less to catnip. In addition, most cats respond to it, such as tigers, lions, leopards, etc.
What is catnip?
Catnip, also known as cathogansis, wattle, scientific name is Nepeta cataria.
The genus name Nepeta comes from nepa, a city name in ancient Italy, while the species name Cataria comes from the Latin word cat Catus, which means the plant that cats like.
It is a mint-like herb that is currently widely cultivated in southern Europe to western China and North America.

At the same time, there is also currently information that giving dogs some catnip can also help relieve muscle cramps, diarrhea and minor respiratory problems.
However, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian before use, and use an appropriate dose under the guidance of a professional.
What does catnip do to dogs?
Catnip is harmless to dogs and can play a role in keeping dogs calm.
Sprinkling a little catnip around their food or dogs on the way out to see a doctor or on a long trip can help relieve anxiety and stress;Or when you hear the sound of firecrackers or thunderstorms, it is used to calm the dog's nervousness.

Can dogs play with catnip cat toys?
Even though we can expose dogs to catnip, most catnip toys are not designed for dogs.
Catnip toys are generally very small, and dogs generally have the habit of nibbling on things, which is easy to have the dog swallow the whole catnip cat toy into the stomach accident.
Therefore, for the safety of the dog, do not put small cat toys in a place where the dog can easily touch (whether the toy contains catnip or not).
If your dog reacts to catnip, you can sprinkle a little catnip on the surface of his favorite dog toy, which will not only safely allow the dog to enjoy catnip, but also make him play more vigorously.

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1. The information here is referenced from the article "Catnip, can people eat it?" ”
Source 1,001 Old-Time Household Hints
Post time: Aug-11-2022