- Part 2


  • Why does a dog  On a fast?

    Why does a dog On a fast?

    WHY DOES A DOG ON A FAST? BEEJAY PET Scientists have found that the immunity of the dog's gut accounts for 80% of the dog's total immunity. We live in a world full of toxins, w...
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  • Dogs won’t get sunstroke if they play like this in hot weather!

    Dogs won’t get sunstroke if they play like this in hot weather!

    Dogs don't get sunstroke if they play like this in hot weather! BEEJAY PET After 15 minutes of heat stroke, dogs are at risk of dying. Heatstroke lasts as long as two hours, and the fatality rate is more than 90 per...
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  • Today, did you walk the dog or did the dog walk you?

    Today, did you walk the dog or did the dog walk you?

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  • If you lose a dog, would you get one again?

    If you lose a dog, would you get one again?

    IF YOU LOSE A DOG, WOULD YOU GET ONE AGAIN? BEEJAY PET If you lost one dog, would you choose another?If you don't know what to say, check out this dog owner. On a Sunday in mid-De...
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  • Why does dog farts smell so bad?

    Why does dog farts smell so bad?

    WHY DOES DOG FARTS SMELL SO BAD? BEEJAY PET A dog's diet isn't as rich as a human's, but it's no less gassing. Why does shit smell so bad? ...
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  • So many holidays are about dogs!

    So many holidays are about dogs!

    SO MANY HOLIDAYS ARE ABOUT DOGS! BEEJAY PET Human beings like festivals, if the world's festivals statistics, there will be a lot of holidays. As man's best friend, dogs have their fair share of holidays. Let's read...
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  • What should dogs pay attention to on a spring outing?

    What should dogs pay attention to on a spring outing?

    WHAT SHOULD DOGS PAY ATTENTION TO ON A SPRING OUTING? BEEJAY PET Spring is here.Take your dogs and embrace nature. But pay attention to some details, or it will be dangerous. DOG OUTING TIPS ...
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  • What if your dog is picky?

    What if your dog is picky?

    What if your dog is picky? BEEJAY PET Now the dog is so picky about food,because the temptation outside is too much! Some dogs would rather go hungry than eat dog food Being a picky eater for a long time is also a ...
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  • Have you ever been imitated by a dog?

    Have you ever been imitated by a dog?

    Have you ever been imitated by a dog? BEEJAY PET When babies come to the world, they start to imitate their elders and peers,  gradually grow up and create their own values in the imitation. Of course, the value of ...
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  • Why did your dog bite you?

    Why did your dog bite you?

    Why did your dog bite you! Cute as dogs are, not everyone likes them. There are still many people in the world who keep away from dogs, and the most fundamental reason is "fear of dog bites". National Geographic did a progr...
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  • Your dog’s taste in toys is a giveaway!

    Your dog’s taste in toys is a giveaway!

    Your dog's taste in toys is a giveaway! BEEJAY PET The dog's life is very simple answer, have you, have food, have toys can be very happy to spend a day. Of course, dogs have different attitudes towards t...
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  • Have you ever encountered the cat meat mat turning into cake?

    Have you ever encountered the cat meat mat turning into cake?

    Have you ever encountered the cat meat mat turning into cake? Paw pads swollen to marshmallow:Is it FPP?! FPP:Feline plasma cell pododermatitis Don't freak out. FPP is a form of foot dermatitis found in cat pa...
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